Department Faculty Coordinator
  1. Dr.K.Pavan kumar, Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT,9848691924
    Department Student Co-ordinators
  1. Mr. G. Sai Kushal, II IT, 9247193234
  2. Mr. K. L. Janardhan , II IT, 8977311849

       Click here for Registration

  1. Registration Fee for PVPSIT Student:Rs.120/-Incl.GST
  2. Registration Fee for Other College Student:Rs.240/- Incl.GST

Competitive Coding


Competitive Coding involves an individual to show case his/her programming skills.


Rules for Competitive Coding:
  1. Each Member will be allowed to write and test their programs wholly within the contest room.
  2. All Members will be given the same set of problems to solve.
  3. There will be two rounds in the contest. The First round includes 25 MCQ’s in C,C++,Java and Python for 20 Min. Top 25% of the first round will be allowed to second round. The Second round includes 4 Problems to be solved and the duration will be One hour.
  4. Each problem will have a specified point value. The more difficult the problem, the more points a correct solution will receive.
  5. A program will be considered wrong if it fails to work on one or more of the test cases. In the event of a tie, programs will be awarded partial credits based on the number of test cases correctly passed including time stamp.
  6. The Contest Coordinators will tally the scores of individuals, and the top two highest scorers will be declared as 1st and 2nd prize winners.

    Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr. Ch. Praneeth, Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT, 9490012389

    Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. G Ashok Kumar, 21501A1241, 9381680053
  2. G Kumar Babu, 21501A1240, 7702102938


VENUE  :-   ROOM No 302 First Floor,VLSI Lab TIME: 10:45 am To 12:45 PM(6th March)


  1. Total three rounds will be conducted.
  2. Maximum three participants per team. .
  3. Team with Maximum Score Wins.
    ROUND 1(Elimination Round)
  1. one question will be asked to each group,
  2. if answered correctly 10 marks will be awarded. If not answered, question will be
  3. passed to next group and 5 marks will be awarded if they answered correctly.
  4. The judge’s decision will be final.

only 10 top scoring teams will be selected for next rounds.

    Round 2: Rapid Fire Round: -
  1. Each team will be asked questions one after another in one minutes time- : 50 questions
  2. 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong answer
  3. Team discussion is allowed
  4. If a team cannot answer the question, they can say pass for the next question.
  5. The question will not be forwarded to the next team.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final.

only 6 top scoring teams will be selected for next round

    Round 3: Audio/visual round (Final Round)
  1. Teams will be shown clips and will have to answer.
  2. 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong answer
  3. Each Team would be asked 2 audio/visual questions.
  4. Answering time is only 30 seconds.
  5. No passing to the next team.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final.

Winner and Runner teams will be decided



    Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Ms. K. Sri Vijaya, Assistant Professor, Dept of IT, 9160886088

    Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. 1. U.L.Aiswarya , 21501A1263 , III BTECH S1 , Contact: 9502594693
  2. K.V.Divya, 21501A1253, III BTECH S1 , Contact: 9346620648
  3. L.Naga Poojitha 21501A1264, III BTECH S1 , Contact: 9390366669


    Room No:302 IT Department