SITAR 2K24 | Literary and Cultural Events

(Common for all Branches)
For Registration go to the Concerned Department


Rules for the Event

  1. The theme for the event will be: 'Tradition for Prosperity'.
  2. It is a Team event. A team can have max.of 2 members(1Male & 1Female OR 2 Male OR 2 Female)
  3. Time limit for every team would be 2 minutes (Including Walk & Talk both).
  4. Vulgarity is strongly prohibited. Any form of obscenity will lead to debarring the team from the contest.
  5. No tube tops, no single strip tops, dress should be knee length, no cleavage showing, and no backless (unless traditional).
  6. Teams will be judged on costumes, theme, walking stance, attitude and tag line (single sentence only)
  7. Tagline line may be in Telugu or Hindi which Depicts their Attair This tag line may be spelled by any one of the participants.
  8. Later, Each group should say 2 sentences about Theme/Indian Philosophy/Indian Culture.. may be poetic/phonetic.
  9. Decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  10. All costumes are permitted, which maintain decency including original costumes & fashion designs.
  11. Purchased, professionally made, or rented costumes are permitted.
  12. Walking fashion will be explained be during the time of event.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mrs.E.Kavitha, Assistant Professor, 9848309619, Dept. of ME
  2. Dr.Anupama Ammulu, Assistant Professor,8500757586, Dept. of CIVIL
  3. Mrs.M.Radha Devi, Assistant Professor, 9059839931, Dept. of ME
  4. Mr. N. Raghu Ram, Assistant Professor, 9703679555, Dept. of ME

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Chimmili Srinivas, III MEC, 8328280466
  2. K.Leela Jayaram, III MEC ,9177379069
  3. J.Dhanush, III MEC, 9666807021
  4. Ahmad Ali Sha, III MECH, 9182963660

GAANA (Singing solo and group)

Rules for the Event

  1. The students of B.Tech./M.Tech./MBA are eligible to participate.
  2. The duration for each participant is 3 minutes.
  3. The song should not comprise any slang or derogatory language.
  4. Participants will not be allowed to refer to the lyrics while singing.
  5. The decision of the concerned judge shall be treated as final.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Dr. M. Sailaja,Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE,8500722564
  2. Mrs. Y. Surekha,Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE,9493106040
  3. Dr. G. Reshma,Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT, 7997045678

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. N. Revathi, CSE, Phone:9392767689
  2. M. Gayatri , CSE, Phone:8520946547
  3. M. Gayathri Yadav, Phone:8186993323

Rules for the Event

  1. The students of B.Tech./M.Tech. /MBA are eligible to participate.
  2. The Event consists of two Rounds.
  3. The topic will be given 5 minutes before presentation for preparation.
  4. The participant has to talk for 1 minute in English Language only.
  5. The selected candidates will be promoted to the 2nd Round.
  6. Judgment of the Jury members will be final, and no changes will be entertained.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Dr. V.S.N. Malleswari, Assistant Professor,9848035780
  2. Mrs. T. Krishna Sree, Assistant Professor, 9247708858

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Ms. K. Nikitha I B. Tech (CSD) - 91217 26006
  2. Mr. K. Jyothi Swaroop Sai I B. Tech (CSD) - 95426 94427

Rules for Group Discussion

  • Topics Will be given on the spot
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting.
  • Criticize ideas, not individuals. We all can learn something from each other, even if your views don’t necessarily align.
  • Avoid blame, speculation, and inflammatory language.
  • Allow everyone the chance to speak.
  • Avoid assumptions about any member of the class or generalizations about social groups. Do not ask individuals to speak for their (perceived) social group.
  • Personal information that comes up in the conversation should be kept confidential.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr.Sk.Subhan-9533360607, Assistant Professor

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Ms. Y. Bhargavi II MBA - 7013371537


Rules for the Event

  1. The students of B.Tech./M.Tech. /MBA are eligible to participate.
  2. Participants need to speak only in English Language.
  3. It is an individual participation event.
  4. The duration for each participant is 3 minutes.
  5. Participants will not be allowed to take any paper or material with him/her during the speech.
  6. Judgment of the Jury members will be final, and no changes will be entertained.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Dr. Sk. Rehana, Assistant Professor, 9640007986
  2. Dr. M. Prameela, Assistant Professor, 9290728511

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr. A. Lakshmi Vara Priya - I B. Tech (ECE1) - 94937 81157
  2. Ms. D. Bhagyavathi - I B. Tech (ECE1) – 63014 61233


Rules for the Event

  1. The students of B.Tech./M.Tech. /MBA are eligible to participate.
  2. Each team should consist of two members.
  3. One will speak “for the idea” and the other member will speak “against the idea” in English Language only.
  4. Each team will get 6 minutes (2.5 +2.5 minutes) to speak and 1 minute for interjection.
  5. Interjections will be raised from the judges and audience (only one).
  6. An indicator will be given after 2 minutes. Exceeding 2.5 minutes will lead to deduction of points so that participants need to adhere to the time limit.
  7. Judgment of the Jury members will be final, and no changes will be entertained.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Dr R. Chudamani, Sr. Assistant Professor, 9493501189
  2. Mr. Ch. Murali Mohan,Sr. Assistant Professor,9291706115

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr. K. Varun I B. Tech (CSE2) - 94900 33800
  2. Ms. L. Himaja I B. Tech (CSE2) - 86392 67287

Rules for the Event

  1. The Competition is open to all students.
  2. Each group will comprise of 8 – 10 members
  3. Each participating team will be allowed for a total of 5 to 6 Minutes to present their Dance performance.
  4. The Participants must bring their music on a pen drive .
  5. Students will be judged on their Technical Proficiency/Skill, Clarity and Consistency in style, Expression and over all Presentation
  6. The participants must identify the Theme and the dance form of the performance .
  7. Aerobic exercises may not be used
  8. Fusion of various dance forms will be accepted.
  9. In-proper dressing should not be allowed.
  10. The Decision of the judges will be final.

Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mrs. L. Madhavi Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, 9912454374
  2. Mrs. B. Swathi Lakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, 99519735829
  3. Mrs. K. Bhavana, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, 9966953378
  4. Mrs. V. Sai Geetha Lakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, 9030606464

Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. K. Ravali Priya, IV ECE, 8978818929
  2. T. Lalitha, IV ECE, 8143443079
  3. K. Vishnu Sai, III EEE, 9381576766
  4. V. Aarathi, II EEE, 9392703058


  1. The Students of B.Tech/ M.Tech/ MBA are eligible to participate.
  2. Each team must comprise minimum 2 or maximum 3 participants only.
  3. Individual Participation is not allowed.
  4. Usage of mobile phone is strictly prohibited during any level in the quiz competition.
  5. Written/printed material is not allowed.
  6. The medium of questions will be only in English.
  7. Participants are requested to produce their I'd (college I'd card/ Govt ID) for verification purpose.
  8. Screening round will be conducted depending upon the turn up of the students.
  9. If there is a tie situation between 2 teams, a tiebreaker question will be given on the spot by the quiz master.
  10. Results of each round will be declared immediately after the completion of the round.
  11. Only qualified Teams of Level-1will be allowed to participate in Level-2.
  12. Participant is solely responsible for the safety of his/ her belongings.
  13. Participants are requested to report on time to the event place to avoid discrepancies.
  14. The decision of the Quiz Master shall be treated as final.
  15. All the rights related with the Quiz competition are reserved to the Organizers.
  1. There will be two levels- 1. Preliminary Level 2. Final Level.
  2. 1.Preliminary Level consists of 15 Questions.
  3. 2.Six Teams will be shortlisted for final level.
  4. 3.Final Level consists of Three rounds each with 6 Questions.
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    Faculty Coordinators for this Event

    1. Mrs. Sudheera Lingamaneni, Dept. of T&P, 9640958999

    Student Coordinators for this Event

    1. Tarak Ram, III IT, 9177614776
    2. Sujitha, III CSE, 9550294069