Department Faculty Coordinator
  1. Dr. K. Shyam Prakash, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CIVIL, 8096610933
    Department Student Co-ordinators
  1. K. Mahendra Sai, IV CIVIL, 7815857369
  2. T. S. L. Likitha, IV CIVIL , 9381668560

       Click here for Registration

  1. Registration Fee for PVPSIT Student:Rs.120/-Incl.GST
  2. Registration Fee for Other College Student:Rs.240/- Incl.GST

Ready Grasp

VENUE  :-   IV Year CE Class Room. ROOM No 143 TIME: 11:45 am to 12:30 pm(6th March) ,CIVIL DEPARTMENT


  1. The objective is to grasp and write the located objects within the stipulated time.
  2. Individual registration only.
  3. The display items/objects would be related to Civil Engineering.
  4. Highest scorer wins.
  5. Tiebreakers, if needed.
  6. Organizers decision is final.

    Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Dr. M. Sudhakar, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CIVIL, 9440028748
  2. Dr. Ashish Kumar Nayak , Assistant Professor, Dept. of CIVIL, 7063068418

    Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr. K. Dinesh, II CIVIL, 9398169160
  2. Mr. M. Govardhan, II CIVIL, 9160603604

Poster Presentation

VENUE  :-  II Year Class Room. ROOM No 155 TIME: 12:30pm to 1:30 pm(6th March),CIVIL DEPARTMENT


  1. The posters may include theme areas of Civil Engineering:
    • Structural Engineering
    • Geo-Technical Engineering
    • Transportation Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Water Resources Engineering
    • RS&GIS
    • Earth quake resistant structures
    • Prefabrication of structures
  2. Each poster with two students to be enrolled.
  3. Time limit for each presentation is 10 minutes

    Faculty Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mrs. K. Divya , Assistant Professor,Dept. of CIVIL, 9492130232
  2. Mr Ch Rajesh, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CIVIL, 8008455255

    Student Coordinators for this Event

  1. Mr T. Deveswar, III CIVIL, 9177488289
  2. Mr. Sk. Mastanbi, III CIVIL, 9515142203

CADD Contest

VENUE  :-  CAD Lab , ROOM No 249, TIME:10:30 am to 11:30 am(6th March) ,CIVIL DEPARTMENT


  1. First Round
  2. Second Round


  • First Round
    1. Every student participant has to draw the given CADD diagram within the stimulated time period.
  • Second Round
    1. In the next level different drawing is given for students by the co-ordinator and they have to draw within stimulated time period.

      Faculty Coordinators for this Event

    1. Mrs. K. Prasanthi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CIVIL, 9985508219
    2. MMrs. M. D. Prasanna , Assistant Professor, Dept. of CIVIL, 9182807459

      Student Coordinators for this Event

    1. Ms. J. Jyothika, III CIVIL, 8885452346
    2. Mr. SK. Sufiya, III CIVIL, 8520099970